I’ve changed the site theme. Do you like it?


I’ve changed the site theme. Do you like it?

I’ve been using the LeftSide theme on this blog site for some time now, but it hasn’t been working as well on phones and tablets recently, so I’ve decided to update the theme to Rebalance. This new theme was designed to adapt more appropriately to desktop, phone and tablet screens, so it should give everyone a better view of my blog.

Do you like the new Rebalance theme compared with the previous LeftSide theme on my blog site? Please answer for every device you use:

  • Desktop: it works better than LeftSide (33%, 1 Votes)
  • Phone: it works better than LeftSide (33%, 1 Votes)
  • Tablet: it works better than LeftSide (33%, 1 Votes)
  • Desktop: it is about the same as LeftSide (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Desktop: it is worse than LeftSide (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Phone: it is about the same as LeftSide (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Phone: it is worse than LeftSide (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Tablet: it is about the same as LeftSide (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Tablet: it is worse than LeftSide (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 1

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Desktop: LeftSide

Desktop: LeftSide

Desktop: Rebalance

Desktop: Rebalance

Phone: LeftSide

Phone: LeftSide

Phone: Rebalance

Phone: Rebalance

How good are you at calculating in your head? Are you calculator-dependent?


Improving mental arithmetic (calculating in your head) has been a long-term quest for me. My 3 daughters were subjected to numerical puzzle questions whenever we were on long journeys, and now none of them routinely use calculators, unless absolutely necessary.

I used to develop JavaScript-based apps for the webOS platforms in Palm and HP devices, and created a number of mental arithmetic apps. I’ve recently found the time to re-engineer some of them to work on Android devices, and the following apps can now be found on Google Play and Amazon Appstore:

  • Arithmetic Brain – 8 different levels of 10 randomly generated questions about addition, subtraction and multiplication. Here are the links to Google Play and Amazon Appstore.

Arithmetic Brain

  • Multiply Brain – 19 different levels of 10 randomly generated questions on multiplication from x2 to x20. Here are the links to Google Play and Amazon Appstore.

Multiply Brain

  • Decimal Brain – 8 different levels of 10 randomly generated questions about decimal addition, subtraction and multiplication. Here are the links to Google Play and Amazon Appstore.

Decimal Brain

  • Fraction Brain – 4 different levels of 10 randomly generated questions about fraction addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Here are the links to Google Play and Amazon Appstore.

Fraction Brain

Full details about what is included in each Android app can be found on each app page.