Holland Numerics

Beer List (4)

Countries (2) :

Beer types (4) :

Breweries (3) :

Key to Ratings:
  1. I won't drink it!!
  2. I'll drink it if I don't have to pay for it!
  3. I'll drink it.
  4. I'll drink it in preference to other beers.
  5. I'll drink it in preference to all other beers.

  1. Beer: Dreher Bak Barna Sör (Dreher Bock) (bottle)
    Type: Bock
    Strength: 7.3%
    Brewer: Dreher Sörgyár
    Country: Hungary
    Description: Colour=Black, Malty=Yes, Hoppy=No, Effervesce=Yes, Other=Nutty and bitter
    Preference: 3 (1=0 2=0 3=1 4=0 5=0)
    Comments: www.dreher.hu
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  2. Beer: Dreher Classic (cask)
    Type: Pilsner Beer
    Strength: 5.2%
    Brewer: Dreher Sörgyár
    Country: Hungary
    Description: Colour=Yellow, Malty=No, Hoppy=Yes, Effervesce=No, Other=Sharp taste
    Preference: 3 (1=0 2=0 3=1 4=0 5=0)
    Comments: www.dreher.hu
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  3. Beer: Soproni (cask)
    Type: Pilsner Beer
    Strength: 4.5%
    Brewer: Soproni (Heineken Hungária)
    Country: Hungary
    Description: Colour=Yellow, Malty=No, Hoppy=Yes, Effervesce=Yes, Other=Sharp taste
    Preference: 3 (1=0 2=0 3=1 4=0 5=0)
    Comments: soproniaszok.hu Sopron Hungary is one of the oldest and well-established, 4.5% abv beer. The natural ingredients in Sopron and expertise, many years of reliable quality in-class light beers. Slightly bitter hop flavor thanks to anyone willing to consume. At the forefront of innovation in 2005 in the domestic light beers were first introduced in the form of a modern bottle. From March 2008 bottle green and a new look, we appear, thereby strengthening the brand's fresh, youthful and high quality standards.
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  4. Beer: Soproni Black Demon (Fekete Démon) (bottle)
    Type: Dark Lager
    Strength: 5.2%
    Brewer: Soproni (Heineken Hungária)
    Country: Hungary
    Description: Colour=Dark brown, Malty=Yes, Hoppy=No, Effervesce=Yes, Other=Smooth fruity taste with a sharp finish
    Preference: 4 (1=0 2=0 3=0 4=1 5=0)
    Comments: soproniaszok.hu The Black Demon Sopron is a unique beer that is dark brown in color and pleasant aroma of seductive special thanks to components. Four types of malt and aromatic hops ensures that this amazing specialty beer lives up to the name of Sopron.
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Key to Ratings:
  1. I won't drink it!!
  2. I'll drink it if I don't have to pay for it!
  3. I'll drink it.
  4. I'll drink it in preference to other beers.
  5. I'll drink it in preference to all other beers.