Holland Numerics

Beer List (3)

Countries (3) :

Beer types (2) :

Breweries (4) :

Key to Ratings:
  1. I won't drink it!!
  2. I'll drink it if I don't have to pay for it!
  3. I'll drink it.
  4. I'll drink it in preference to other beers.
  5. I'll drink it in preference to all other beers.

  1. Beer: Orval (bottle)
    Type: Trappist Single Beer
    Strength: 6.2%
    Brewer: Orval monastery
    Country: Belgium
    Description: Colour=Medium brown, Malty=No, Hoppy=Yes, Effervesce=Yes, Other=Not sweet strong taste
    Preference: 4 (1=0 2=0 3=0 4=1 5=1)
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  2. Beer: Rochefort 6 (bottle)
    Type: Trappist Single Beer
    Strength: 7.5%
    Brewer: Rochefort monastery
    Country: Belgium
    Description: Colour=Medium brown, Malty=Yes, Hoppy=No, Effervesce=No, Other=Smooth taste
    Preference: 4 (1=0 2=0 3=0 4=1 5=0)
    Comments: Serve at 14-17C
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  3. Beer: Spencer Trappist Ale (bottle)
    Type: Trappist Single Beer
    Strength: 6.5%
    Brewer: Spencer Brewery
    Country: USA
    Description: Colour=Orange, Malty=Yes, Hoppy=Yes, Effervesce=Yes, Other=Slightly spicy fruit taste with a drier finish
    Preference: 3 (1=0 2=0 3=1 4=0 5=0)
    Comments: www.spencerbrewery.com American Trappist. Pair with family and friends. Ingredients: water, malted barley, hops, yeast. Inspired by traditional refectory ales brewed by monks for the monks’ table, Spencer is a full-bodied, golden-hued Trappist ale with fruit accents, a dry finish and light hop bitterness. St. Joseph’s Abbey in Spencer, Massachusetts, is home to a community of Trappist monks and the first American Trappist brewery. Following the Benedictine tradition of ora et labor (prayer and work), the monks pursue a simple life of contemplative prayer, a manual labor and hospitality. The brewery helps support the monks and their charitable outreach.
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Key to Ratings:
  1. I won't drink it!!
  2. I'll drink it if I don't have to pay for it!
  3. I'll drink it.
  4. I'll drink it in preference to other beers.
  5. I'll drink it in preference to all other beers.