Some educational web apps can be found on the server. Please click the images to open the web game pages.
SpiderWord: Spider vs Bug Word Game
Guess the word to let Bug escape from the Spider!
Current word sets are:
Dinosaurs and Reptiles
Long Words (Things)
Thomas the Tank Engine Character Names
1-Word English Football Clubs
Long Words (Describing)
Brain Quest Games
How to play:
Click [?] to get a question.
Click the keypad to type your answer.
Click [C] to clear your answer if you type something wrong.
Click [=] to send your answer for checking.
Each correct answer gives you a new question to answer.
Answer a blue question correctly within 10 answers to win!
Time limits for each answer:
No limit
50 seconds (default for Brain Quest – Fraction)
25 seconds (default for all the other Brain Quest games)
20 seconds
16 seconds
10 seconds
8 seconds
5 seconds
Brain Quest – Multiply
Multiplying practice using randomly generated questions.
Challenge yourself with different time limits! Build your correct answers to reach the top!
From x2 up to x20
Brain Quest – Arithmetic
Arithmetic practice using randomly generated questions.
Challenge yourself with different time limits! Build your correct answers to reach the top!
+ = adding
– = subtracting
x = multiplying
x ! = difficult multiplying
(+)- = adding, then subtracting
(x)+ = multiplying, then adding
(-)x = subtracting, then multiplying
(+)x = adding, then multiplying
Brain Quest – Decimal
Decimal arithmetic practice using randomly generated questions.
Challenge yourself with different time limits! Build your correct answers to reach the top!
+ = adding
– = subtracting
x = multiplying
x ! = difficult multiplying
(+)- = adding, then subtracting
(x)+ = multiplying, then adding
(-)x = subtracting, then multiplying
(+)x = adding, then multiplying
Brain Quest – Fraction
Fraction arithmetic practice using randomly generated questions.
Challenge yourself with different time limits! Build your correct answers to reach the top!
+ = adding
– = subtracting
x = multiplying
/ = dividing
Number Logic
You can choose how many numbers can be used:
4 = Each digit can be 1 to 4 (256 possible numbers)
5 = Each digit can be 1 to 5 (625 possible numbers)
6 = Each digit can be 1 to 6 (1,296 possible numbers)
The computer sets the numbers, you guess and the computer
scores. If you don’t guess the computer’s number in 10 tries, then the computer will tell you what it was.
You set the numbers, the computer guesses and you score.
Can you guess the numbers quicker than the computer?
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