This forum is intended for SAS-related questions and answers, and, as this forum is paid-for, answers to interview questions will be offered too.
Here are the basic rules for posting in this forum:
- All postings MUST be completely SAS-related, which means that they should, at least, mention SAS or a SAS component. I’ve been using SAS for over 25 years, so I know what is and isn’t SAS (that is SAS Institute software-related, not SaaS, SAP, SPSS or an IBM service!). However, labelling a general link as a SAS-related link will break this rule too!
- No copying of existing postings just to get your name on it. Please check you’ve posted correctly, and tidy up yourself if you haven’t!
- The SAS Programming Forum is for discussions, not for jobs and time-dependent postings. Remember that this forum has a Manager, not a garbage collector.
- This group is an English-language forum. Foreign language posts are accepted, but only if the content is understandable as related to SAS by the majority of the forum members. Please include an English translation, if necessary.
- The advertising of illegal copies of books and software will result in immediate removal from this forum.
- The group is open to everyone, but abusive, political or disrespectful behaviour will result in the removal of the poster and all their postings. Please note that the posting of job adverts as comments in SAS programming discussions is considered to be disrespectful!