Download pre-publication copies of my new books at discounted prices


I have released pre-publication copies of my new books, “SAS Programming Experiences: A How-To Guide from a Power SAS User” and a specific extract book about Altair SLC called “Altair SLC: The SAS Language Compiler”, today.

Note that everything in “Altair SLC: The SAS Language Compiler” is included in “SAS Programming Experiences: A How-To Guide from a Power SAS User”, so purchasing both is not recommended.

Prices will be adjusted as soon as the books are published.

I’ve added the final topic of the SAS Macros course in the SAS course (in the SAS Programming Forum)


I’ve added the final topic of the SAS Macros course in the SAS course (in the SAS Programming Forum), and it describes some of the syntax used in SAS Macros processing.

I have added, for those who don’t want to follow the course but would prefer to read the course notes, a copy of course notes as a downloadable PDF ebook, and I have now published Android ebook apps with the same content on Google Play and Amazon Appstore.

As other SAS courses are finalised I will be publishing them as PDF ebooks and Android apps too.

Please enjoy if you’ve subscribed to the SAS Programming Forum.

I’ve added 5 more topics to the Macros course in the SAS course (in the SAS Programming Forum)


I’ve added 5 more topics to the Macros course in the SAS course (in the SAS Programming Forum), and they describe more of the syntax used in SAS macro programming.

I have added, for those who don’t want to follow the course but would prefer to read the course notes, copies of some of the course notes as downloadable PDF ebooks, and I have now published Android ebook apps with the same content on Google Play and Amazon Appstore.

The Macros book and apps will be published after I’ve added the final topic, and as other SAS courses are finalised I will be publishing them as PDF ebooks and Android apps too.

Blog member Jonathan Tugman is presenting at the SUGUKI meeting in London on Nov 7


London SAS Meetup

The Hub @ SAS London, 7th Floor, 199 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3TY


• 18:00 – Arrive
• 18:30 – Helpful Macros by Jonathan Tugman (Vanquis Bank)
• 18:50 – Sasensei Quiz Break
• 19:00 – Tackling insurance claims fraud with SAS Visual Investigator (Nick Feast, SAS)
• 19:20 – Wrap up and drinks
• 20:00 – Vacate to a local watering hole

Entrance is free but you must RSVP to confirm attendance for security/capacity reasons.

Are you interested in SAS macros or SAS efficiency? I’ve updated both apps in Google Play and Amazon Appstore


Are you interested in SAS macros or SAS programming efficiency? I’ve updated my Android apps focusing on both these topics in Google Play and Amazon Appstore.

The SAS macros section has been added to the SAS course


The SAS course and the SAS Programming Forum continue to grow, I have just added a new course section about SAS macros, and there are now 23 topics in 4 different sections:

  • [A] SAS components – 2 topics
  • Data Steps – 13 topics
  • [F] PROC SQL – 6 topics
  • [G] Macros – 2 topics (2 new topics!)

The SAS course topics themselves are in the SAS Programming Forum, which can only be accessed by Programmer level members, but Free members can read the SAS course – Home page and see the individual topic names.

More topics and sections are being developed, so register for free now to be kept up-to-date about all of the news, so you can take advantage of the Programmer level when it suits you best!

Please update ALL of my apps from Google Play!


I hadn’t noticed, but I had to update the Google Licensing part of my apps to comply with new rules for Android 5 (Lollipop), which is why ALL of my apps installed from Google Play are no longer working on Android 5+!

Please don’t panic, as I’ve uploaded new versions of the following apps to Google Play that should work now:

  • Data Steps: Do This in SAS?
  • SQL: Do This in SAS?
  • Graphs: Do This in SAS?
  • Platforms: Do This in SAS?
  • EG: Do This in SAS?
  • Macros: Do This in SAS?
  • Efficiency: Do This in SAS?
  • Studio: Do This in SAS?

I’m glad I installed CyanogenMod 12 on my old HP TouchPad recently, so I can now be certain the Android 5 users can use my apps!

4 newly updated apps about Enterprise Guide, SAS macros, platforms and graphs


I’ve now updated my remaining four apps, which can all be installed from Google Play, Amazon Appstore and Chrome Web Store, depending on your preferred platform.

“EG: How Do You Do This in SAS?” looks at writing and running SAS programs using Enterprise Guide. This paid-for app has had some of the answer text updated, including a link to this blog.

“Macros: How Do You Do This in SAS?” looks at SAS macros. This paid-for app has had some of the answer text updated, including a link to this blog.

“Platforms: How Do You Do This in SAS?” looks at SAS platform-dependencies on Windows, UNIX, Linux and z/OS. This paid-for app has had some of the answer text updated, including a link to this blog.

“Graphs: How Do You Do This in SAS?” looks at generating graphs using classic SAS/GRAPH and the new ODS Graphics. This paid-for app now includes information about how to annotate stacked bar charts in ODS Graphics.

The latest versions of all the apps can be found here.