Poll: Do you use SAS specifically in a non-programming / business analysis manner?


I’m interested in how SAS is used in a non-programming way for a future VIEWS News article. Please help me by answering the poll questions in the following link, if you would answer the following question with Y (Yes):

Do you use SAS specifically in a non-programming / business analysis manner (Y/N)?


Your responses to this poll will be anonymous. No IP addresses will be collected.

Thank you in advance………..Phil

What sort of a SAS user are you?


In order to target my Blog and Forum entries appropriately for the members here, like all data analysts, I need to collect together some data to analyse. This is why I’ve created the poll below, so I hope you will help me by voting. Note that you will only be able to vote for one option, so please select carefully before voting. There is a [Vote] button above the [View Results] link that may be difficult to see, until your cursor moves over it, in some browsers.

What sort of a SAS user are you?

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