Recent posts

I’ve updated my app about Graphs again


I would certainly recommend installing my Graphs app sooner, rather than later, as the next time I add a new question the price will have to be increased. It can be installed now from Google Play, Amazon Appstore and Chrome Web Store, depending on your preferred platform.

“Graphs: How Do You Do This in SAS?” looks at generating graphs using classic SAS/GRAPH and the new ODS Graphics. I’ve added a question that looks at how an information box (graph inset) can be added to line graphs in ODS Graphics, as compared to using Annotate in SAS/GRAPH.

The latest versions of all the apps can be found here.

4 newly updated apps about Enterprise Guide, SAS macros, platforms and graphs


I’ve now updated my remaining four apps, which can all be installed from Google Play, Amazon Appstore and Chrome Web Store, depending on your preferred platform.

“EG: How Do You Do This in SAS?” looks at writing and running SAS programs using Enterprise Guide. This paid-for app has had some of the answer text updated, including a link to this blog.

“Macros: How Do You Do This in SAS?” looks at SAS macros. This paid-for app has had some of the answer text updated, including a link to this blog.

“Platforms: How Do You Do This in SAS?” looks at SAS platform-dependencies on Windows, UNIX, Linux and z/OS. This paid-for app has had some of the answer text updated, including a link to this blog.

“Graphs: How Do You Do This in SAS?” looks at generating graphs using classic SAS/GRAPH and the new ODS Graphics. This paid-for app now includes information about how to annotate stacked bar charts in ODS Graphics.

The latest versions of all the apps can be found here.

Newly updated apps about Efficiency and SAS Studio


Because of the heavy traffic in London the locals complain that “you wait ages for a bus, then 2 arrive at the same time!”. I hope you don’t complain in the same way when I write two blogs posts within days of each other, but I find that this often happens when I get a little spare time to work on my apps.

Unlike in my previous post, these two apps are not in any way related to each other, apart from being named 12 and 13 in my list. Both apps can be installed from Google Play, Amazon Appstore and Chrome Web Store, depending on your preferred platform.

“Efficiency: How Do You Do This in SAS?” looks at how to improve SAS efficiency, whether efficiency means speed of execution, ease of maintenance, or both. This paid-for app has had some of the answer text updated.

“Studio: How Do You Do This in SAS?” looks at the installation, configuration and uses of SAS Studio and SAS University Edition. This paid-for app now includes links about the licensing limits for using SAS University Edition, along with a summary of those restrictions.

The latest versions of all the apps can be found here.

The apps “Data Steps: How Do You Do This in SAS?” and “SQL: How Do You Do This in SAS?” have recently been updated.


I think I’ve now worked out the difference between blogs and forums!  I’m a little bit of a newbie to blogs, so please excuse my naivety. I’d been treating my blog posts as if they were forum discussions, with every comment being highlighted by the WordPress platform, but they are not really like that at all. Therefore, from now on, rather than posting comments to tell you about any app and product updates, you’ll be receiving a new blog post, and this is just such a post!

My apps are all related to each other, with the same basic underlying software, but just with different data in each one. In fact even that is not quite true, as some question topics in my apps are relevant to more than one app, so any topic updates generate new app versions for one or more apps. I use an Enterprise Guide project to organise my questions and answers, and then generate the appropriate data structures, but with the same data, for the Google Play, Amazon Appstore and Chrome Web Store versions of each app, so when each topic changes all of the affected apps are updated together.

This time I’ve updated my apps for Data Steps and SQL, and the new versions are now live in the 3 app stores. I’m also experimenting with Windows 10 Universal Apps too, but don’t hold your breath, as I’m not quite ready to release any apps in the Windows 10 Store just yet.

The latest versions of all the apps can be found here.

LinkedIn is dead! Long live Google+ and WordPress!


I have managed and owned LinkedIn groups since 2010, and have struggled to cope with LinkedIn removing group management tools over the last 6 months. This WordPress site was created as a direct result of a LinkedIn Groups “upgrade” in October 2015.

I have now set a deadline for LinkedIn to restore most of the useful stuff they removed by 24 December 2015, otherwise I will close my own “SAS Author: Philip R Holland” group (650+ members) and resign from being a manager of the “SAS Professional Forum” group (30,000+ members).

In the meanwhile I’m encouraging the members of both these groups to register on this site, and to join my parallel Google+ community called, with outstanding originality, “SAS Professional Forum”. I would encourage everyone who reads this post to guide their friends and colleagues to these sites too, as I don’t believe LinkedIn will be capable of fixing sufficient bugs and restoring previously working LinkedIn Groups functionality to make it worthwhile using that platform again!

PhUSE SDE (Single Day Event) in Utrecht, Netherlands


This will be the first PhUSE SDE to be held in the Netherlands since the first SDE was held in Switzerland in 2008, and will focus on Data Visualization. I will be presenting a paper on my favourite SAS-related topic of ODS Graphics entitled “Converting Plots from SAS/GRAPH to ODS Graphics”.

To celebrate the publication of my latest book “SAS Programming and Data Visualization Techniques: A Power User’s Guide”, you will be able to win a copy in a free prize draw to be held on the day.

Full details will be made available before the event at

Skills needed by a good SAS programmer apart from programming


You have a certificate from SAS saying you can program, and you have been offered a job as a SAS programmer. Well done! So what happens now?

Hopefully your new employer will arrange for SAS training for you, and then you’ll be given a computer to run your SAS programs on. If you are lucky you’ll be in a team of SAS programmers where some are experienced enough to assist you. However, your team may only include inexperienced programmers like yourself, so how do you get answers to your questions?

(1) Research: Search Google for possible answers to your questions. This may produce links to or, so try these links first.
(2) Experiment: Try out these suggestions to see which work for your situation.
(3) Discuss: Talk about these solutions with your colleagues.

Do not:
(1) Delegate: Post vague questions on forums in the hope that someone will write your program for you. You will never improve your skills by using someone else to do it for you.
(2) Break copyright: Post any company data on the web or in external emails.
(3) Reveal: Ask questions on the web which may reveal confidential information about your employers or clients. It is also recommended that you never post your email address or phone number either, because they could be used to spam you, or even to spam others looking as if you are doing it.

Once you have a working SAS program, and this may take a while to achieve, remember to re-visit it regularly with a view to improving it using knowledge you’ve gained over time. No program is ever perfect, but your aim should be to approach perfection with each amendment.

So how do you gain SAS knowledge? The SAS certification questions and answers cover only a tiny fraction of what SAS can do. The temptation is to stick to what you know, but this will never allow you to improve your SAS programming, so read the SAS blogs, SAS-related forums and SAS conference papers regularly, and then try out the new techniques to learn new stuff all the time. This should never end. I’ve been using SAS since 1981 and I’m still learning new stuff about SAS every day!

Where did you hear about this Blog site?


In order to determine the best way to advertise this Blog and Forums site, like all data analysts, I need to collect together some data to analyse. This is why I’ve created the poll below, so I hope you will help me by voting. Note that you will be able to vote for more than one option, so you shouldn’t have to decide between them.

Where did you hear about this Blog site?

  • LinkedIn: SAS Professional Forum (37%, 10 Votes)
  • LinkedIn: SAS Author: Philip R Holland (22%, 6 Votes)
  • None of these (11%, 3 Votes)
  • LinkedIn: SAS Freshers (7%, 2 Votes)
  • LinkedIn: sasCommunity (4%, 1 Votes)
  • LinkedIn: SAS University Edition (4%, 1 Votes)
  • Google+: SAS Professional Forum (4%, 1 Votes)
  • Twitter (4%, 1 Votes)
  • Email from friend or colleague (4%, 1 Votes)
  • Web search (4%, 1 Votes)
  • LinkedIn: from Pulse, from status or in another group (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 19

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What sort of a SAS user are you?


In order to target my Blog and Forum entries appropriately for the members here, like all data analysts, I need to collect together some data to analyse. This is why I’ve created the poll below, so I hope you will help me by voting. Note that you will only be able to vote for one option, so please select carefully before voting. There is a [Vote] button above the [View Results] link that may be difficult to see, until your cursor moves over it, in some browsers.

What sort of a SAS user are you?

View Results

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Book Promotion Photo Gallery


June 2018: Congratulations to Igor Khorlo who won my new book in the Prize Draw at SAS Forum UK in Birmingham
April 2018: Congratulations to Chris Smith who won my new book in the Prize Draw at the SUGUKI meeting in London
September 2017: Congratulations to Peter Lowes who won my new book in the Prize Draw at SAS Forum UK in Birmingham
April 2017: Congratulations to Matthew Hoolsema who won my new book in the Prize Draw at SAS Global Forum in Orlando
October 2016: Congratulations to Cathal Gallagher who won my new book in the Prize Draw at the PhUSE Conference in Barcelona
Congratulations to Charlotte King who won my new book in the Prize Draw at the SAS Forum UK in Birmingham
September 2016: Congratulations to Charlotte King who won my new book in the Prize Draw at the SAS Forum UK in Birmingham
Congratulations to Olivier Goethals who won my new book in the Prize Draw at SAS Global Forum in Las Vegas
April 2016: Congratulations to Olivier Goethals who won my new book in the Prize Draw at SAS Global Forum in Las Vegas
Congratulations to Angelo Tinazzi who won my new book in the Prize Draw at PhUSE in Vienna
October 2015: Congratulations to Angelo Tinazzi, who won my new book in the Prize Draw at the PhUSE Conference in Vienna. Thanks go to Ian Marlow from the CK Group for running the competition.
Happiness: my new book, a beer and my advertising shirt at the book launch in Cambridge
September 2015: Happiness = my new book, a beer and my advertising shirt at the book launch in Cambridge

SAS Programming and Data Visualization Techniques: A Power User’s Guide – paperback and ebooks


SAS Programming and Data Visualization Techniques: A Power User’s Guide brings together a wealth of ideas about strategic and tactical solutions to everyday situations experienced when transferring, extracting, processing, analyzing, and reporting the valuable data you have at your fingertips. Best, you can achieve most of the solutions using the SAS components you already license, meaning that with this book’s insights can keep you from throwing money at problems needlessly.

Published in August 2015.

SAS-related ebook apps have recently been published on Android devices and Chrome and Chromium browsers


The following SAS-related ebook apps have recently been published on Android devices (Google Play [name in brackets] and Amazon Appstore) and Chrome and Chromium browsers (Chrome Web Store):

  • How Do You Do this in SAS? – free functional sample app – version 2.4
  • Consulting: How Do You Do This in SAS? [Consulting: Do This in SAS?] – free samples from the paid apps – version 1.2
  • Data Steps: How Do You Do This in SAS? [Data Steps: Do This in SAS?] – Q&A about Data Steps – version 3.3
  • SQL: How Do You Do This in SAS? [SQL: Do This in SAS?] – Q&A about PROC SQL – version 2.3
  • Graphs: How Do You Do This in SAS? [Graphs: Do This in SAS?] – Q&A about SAS/GRAPH and ODS Graphics – version 1.5
  • Platforms: How Do You Do This in SAS? [Platforms: Do This in SAS?] – Q&A about using SAS on Windows, UNIX, Linux, and z/OS, with differences caused by 32-bit and 64-bit versions too – version 3.5
  • EG: How Do You Do This in SAS? [EG: Do This in SAS?] – Q&A about Enterprise Guide – version 2.4
  • Macros: How Do You Do This in SAS? [Macros: Do This in SAS?] – Q&A about SAS Macros – version 2.3
  • Efficiency: How Do You Do This in SAS? [Efficiency: Do This in SAS?} – Q&A about SAS programming efficiency – version 2.4
  • Studio: How Do You Do This in SAS? [Studio: Do This in SAS?] – Q&A about SAS Studio and SAS University Edition – version 1.1

Just search on your preferred Android or Chrome platform for “Do This in SAS”, and you should find these 10 apps. Note that any new updates may increase the prices of these apps, so, if you buy them now, you will pay nothing more for upgrades!